My favorite part of Christmas is the music. No, not the idiot pop tunes played much too loudly in every store, public building, and gas station. I mean real music, classical vocal and choral music, played and sung well. I love singing it, as I did at two services this morning (Howells’ Collegium Regale setting of the Magnificat, and an exciting modern setting of Gabriel’s Message). I also love listening to it.
I’m getting my fill of both, this year. I’ll be singing two services on Christmas Eve: a small, quiet communion service at 8pm, then our traditional Lessons and Carols service at 11pm. On New Year’s Day, I’m singing two solos in the chapel service. And the following weekend is the Boar’s Head Festival, aka “Christmas Pageant on steroids,” with a cast of several hundred adults and children singing their (our) hearts out. I can’t wait!
I’ve found that I tend to like the traditional Christmas music, too. I’ve been listening to public radio and every morning, they have a three hour block where they play classical music. I’ve rather enjoyed the classical versions of traditional Christmas music.