Blog reboot

One of the hazards of living in a series of very large houses is that one accumulates stuff. I’ve let this blog stagnate while I concentrated on de-cluttering 40+ years of work files, and 60+ years of accumulated personal stuff. (We will not talk about the cartons of stuff I inherited from my mother or the stuff she inherited from her mother. Nope. Not going there yet.)

I’m not finished with that, but I think it’s time to start writing again.

man pulling off another man's boot

Rebooting a blog can be annoyingly complicated. (Photo credit: Botched by Nature episode 2016-08-10)

First, though, come the WordPress updates.


  • Database backed up? √
  • Child theme customizations backed up? √
  • WP 4.6 installed? √
  • Parent theme updated? √
  • Plugins updated? √


To Do List

  • Figure out why featured images aren’t connecting to slider categories.
  • Remove image work-arounds from last updates to see if that fixes the slider images.
  • Figure out why I now have at least three duplicates of all pages.
  • Figure out why some (but not all) categories have been duplicated.
  • Remove duplicate pages.
  • Remove duplicate categories.
  • Re-assign orphan posts to correct categories.
  • Figure out why the main menu and slider menu are swapped.

First, turn off computer and pour a glass of that nice 30-year Solera. The blog fixes can wait until tomorrow.

About Kat

Cat lover, singer, early music addict, reads a lot. Former R&D chemist with an obsessive need for variety. Now active as a freelance technical writer and editor, web designer, photographer, computer coach, and trainer. Owner, MasterWork Consulting (
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