Category Archives: Life
Blog reboot
One of the hazards of living in a series of very large houses is that one accumulates stuff. I’ve let this blog stagnate while I concentrated on de-cluttering 40+ years of work files, and 60+ years of accumulated personal stuff. … Continue reading
6 AM Weirdness
For the first time in almost two decades, I started my day by waking up from a very strange dream. Most of my dreams have been dreams of ordinary life with, at most, a single odd element—a person or thing … Continue reading
First day of a new year…
First day of a new year, and I’m seriously bummed. My blogging routine has suddenly come unstuck. Instead of starting fresh at the beginning of a new month, I’m faced with irritating changes: Continue reading
Why “Life, the Universe, Everything?” Part 2
Since I’m updating my blog design for the first time in several years, I thought I’d add featured images for the major categories: Life (my personal stuff), Universe (science stuff), and Everything (everything else). Life The tree of life is a … Continue reading
Why “Life, the Universe, Everything?”
When I started looking for a title for my personal blog, I wanted something that would incorporate all of my non-work interests: Science, music, books, art, cats, family…well…everything! At the time, I was rereading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series for … Continue reading