Category Archives: Life
Mindful Monday: As SLow aS Possible
Time. Before/After. Early/Late. Deadlines. Stress. It’s hard to be mindful when your life is deadline-driven. Clients think they need everything yesterday. Assignment instructions always include ASAP: As Soon As Possible. Taking time to smell the flowers can feel like negligence … Continue reading
Sunday Scribblings: Spelling
I’ve always been good at spelling—in my head, that is. What comes out from the ends of my fingers on a keyboard isn’t always pretty. Continue reading
Sunday Scribbles 2013-11-17: etcetera
This week’s Sunday Scribbles prompt is: etc. As usual when I haven’t a clue what to do with a writing prompt, I start with a definition. From Merriam-Webster Online: a number of unspecified additional persons or things That could … Continue reading
Mount TBR Progress Report 2013-11-16
I’m re-thinking my TBR plan for 2014. Stats for this week: One TBR2013-listed book finished. Three books finished that weren’t on my list. Originally, I planned to start my 2014 TBR list with the books I haven’t finished from my … Continue reading
Flashback Friday 2013-11-15
Yesterday you saw Cavendish as an adult cat. Today, I thought I’d show Cavendish as a six-month-old catlet. At that age, Cav had two speeds, bat-out-of-hell and stop. I caught this picture just as Cav went through a phase change.